Here are a few of the common ones that we get, along with answers to the questions. We will add to this list when we get more FAQs. Contact us if any of your questions are not answered here.

Why is NCRST publishing a Call for Proposals?
The main aim of NCRST Calls for Proposals is to support entrepreneurship at a local level, as well as to improve and increase cooperation amongst innovation actors and organizations across the SADC region. The Call aims to share knowledge, create partnerships and support projects that will have a positive impact on the creation of employment, the inclusion of excluded communities, as well as in creating stronger enterprises by strengthening their products, services or processes.
If I have been a successful applicant for the previous Call for Proposals, can I apply for funding again?
No, if you are already a beneficiary of NCRST Innovation Funding as the Project Coordinator of the consortium from the first Call for Proposals, you are not eligible to apply again. Partners of the consortium may apply.
How do I apply for funding?
The application to the Call is done via an online application portal
Why do we have Research, Science and Technology Act?
(a) to ensure the co-ordination, monitoring and supervision of research, science and technology in Namibia;
(b) to promote and develop research, science and technology in Namibia;
(c) to promote common ground in research, scientific and technological thinking across all disciplines, including the physical, mathematical and life sciences, as well as human, social and economic sciences;
(d) to encourage and promote innovative and independent thinking and the optimum development of intellectual capacity of people in research, science and technology;
(e) to ensure dedicated, prioritised and systematic funding for research, science and technology application and development in Namibia;
(f) to promote linkages between Namibia and international institutions and bodies on the development of research, science and technology.
What’s the role of the NCRST?
The National Commission on Research Science and Technology (NCRST) is established in terms of section 4 of Research Science and Technology Act, 2004 (Act no 23 of 2004). The Object of the NCRST is outlined in section 2 of the Act and include inter alia:
- Ensure co-ordination, monitoring and supervision of RST in Namibia
- Promote and develop RST in Namibia
- Promote common ground in RST thinking across all disciplines
- Encourage and promote innovative and independent thinking and optimum development of intellectual capacity of people in RST
- Ensure dedicated, prioritised and systematic funding for RST
- Promote linkages between Namibia and international institutions and bodies on development of RST
How does the National Programme on Research, Science and Technology support the NDPs and V2030 goals?
The key objective of this National RSTI Programme is to provide a national strategic direction in RSTI with emphasis of establishing and strengthening a national system of innovation that would foster the transformation to a knowledge-based society. It set out direction for the future in which Namibian has an advance RSTI capability that can be deployed to effectively address our socio-economic challenges. The National Programme on RSTI is strongly anchored in NDPs and V2030 and clearly set out the targets in terms of where Namibia needs to be in terms of moving towards a knowledge-based society
What is the Research Fund and how do researchers get funding
National Research, Science and Technology Fund are established in terms of section 23 of the Research Science and Technology Act, 2004 (Act no 23 of 2004). Article 24 of the Act defines that the fund is constituted by:
- Financial resources appropriated by Parliament on behalf of the Fund
- Fees that are received under the Act for the benefit of the Fund
- Interests or dividends earned on any investment made in terms of subsection 5
- Financial resources derived from the sale of any asset of the Commission
- Money borrowed under section 5(2)
- Financial resources received by the way of donations or grants from any source in Namibia, and, subject to the approval of the Minister in agreement with the Minister responsible for finance, from any source outside Namibia;
- Financial resources obtained through the sale of i) publications prepared by or for the Commission; ii) reference material, data and information; and
- Any other financial resources which may be accrue to the Commission
The Commission will advertise for one call for proposals every year depending on the availability of funds and applications will have to be submitted by the deadline as mentioned in the advert for consideration. Prospective applicants are advised to submit applications/proposals to the Commission in response to a call for proposals. A research application/proposal should be submitted under the most appropriate NCRST
scheme and is not allowed to be submitted under more than one specific scheme. Funding cannot be requested for the same project under more than 1 scheme of the Commission